It has been over two months since our last drivescape-tour, but finally after graduating from University and finishing important projects at work, we are finally back. And we do not come unprepared: The next few blog entries are going to be a mix of drivescape-tours, a short movie and incredible destinations from our favourite country Switzerland, more particular Graubünden. Our first tour this summer lead us towards the Engadin and over the amazing Flüelapass.
The pass reaches a altitue of 2383 m above sea level and is only open during summer. To ensure connection to the upper part of Engadin during winter, a train goes right through the mountain starting in Davos.
The ascent begins right after exiting Davos and passes the winter sport area of Pischa with its snow shoe trails, Fatbike downhill trails and freeride ski tours. The valley itself is pretty broad and the view is nice.
First attraction is the small Tschuggen-chapelle, which can not be missed in the first curve of the pass. The road itself is always broad and the surface is usually without any blemish.
The landscape of Flüelapass is versatile – flat praries alternate with swamp like areas and big rocks. There are still a few trees here and there, but the higher up the road goes, the more the landscape changes to a classic rocky landscape.
In contrast to other passes we already presented here (e.g. Albulapass and Julierpass), Flüelapass has noticably few curves. While the road twists itself up the mountain, but really hairneedle pin curves and be counted on one hand. That does not mean that the drive is boring – in contrary, Flüelapass has its one character. And of course it is not free of curves.
Similiar to other passes, there is a hospice at the top of the pass and two lakes. The bigger Shottenlake flows away towards Davos via the Flüela creek (and later merges with the Landwasser and the Rhine).
On the Engadin side flows the Sucasa (and merges with the Inn) and forms an incredible beautiful valley.
Our tour over the Füelapass ends with a descent to the local community of Susch in the Engadin. From here on we could either follow the Inn towards Austria or head south towards Albulapass, St. Moritz and Julierpass or for example towards the Morteratsch glacier.
- Start: Davos
- Destination: Susch
- Length: about. 26 Km
- Height: Starting at 1560 m up to 2383 m above sea level
- Special: Pischa in Winter, Tschuggen-Chapelle, Lakes, Scenery
Where to next?
- Albulapass and back to Albulavalley
- Over the Julierpass
- Morteratsch Glacier near St. Moritz
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