After touring with two classics in the Rhein-Main Area in Germany, it is time to return to the alps. We start from Lantsch/Lenz and drive towards the village Alvaneu in Graubünden, Switzerland. Todays trip, while crossing the castle ruin Belfort, is a typical drivescape-“detour”: Intially, we drive this route towards the bigger Fluela or Albula passes, but the route towards the destination is already so much fun that we are tempted to stop and do it again.
We start in the village Lantsch/Lenz and drive towards Brienz/Brienzauls. Be careful, the second to last curve before the Brienz/Brienzauls could also be a ramp – if you take it too fast, you start to fly.
If you check the route in Google Maps, it looks relativly normal. But that can be decieving, because elevation difference throughout the trip is quite high at times.
The Castle ruine Belfort is worth a stop and can be hiked within 45 minutes.
The road passes below the castle, and if you stop you nearby you can also have a look at the old bridge.
The road is carved through the mountain.
After about 3/4 of the route, you can either head left towards Fluela Pass or right towards Alvaneu Bad and the Albula Pass. The route to the right is short but full of curves, and driving it faster can definately be a challenge for a weak stomach.
As I already wrote in the introduction, this route is actually only part of a bigger drive towards real passes. But since this is drivescape, it fits us perfectly. The journey is the reward, and when you reach your destination, it starts all over again.
- Start: Lantsch/Lenz
- Destination: Alvaneu Bad
- Length: ca. 10 Km
- Special: Castle ruin Belfort, elevation changes throughout the route
Where to next?
- Towards Davos and the Fluela-Pass
- Towards Filisur and the Albula-Pass
- Towards Tiefencastel and the Julier-Pass
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